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Drama Curriculum for Middle School  provides an inclusive Drama curriculum for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade.  Activities flow sequentially from one year to the next.  However, the book's format easily allows teachers to utilize units separately to meet their own objectives and the needs of their students. 



This program of study provides the teacher with the tools to help students develop effective body and voice skills while simultaneously learning the beginning aspects of theater.

Sequential Developmental Program

Format of the Book

Curriculum mapping and flow chart provide an overview for the teacher.  Lessons include easy-to-follow teacher guidelines:  goals, objectives, skills, and rubrics.  With over 400 pages, the three-ring binder format includes duplicate-ready worksheets, transparencies, and assessments.



the skills of body movement


effective use of body and voice



body, voice, mind

and feeling


Grade Level Design

Units of the Book

Units are designed to be completed in six weeks for each grade level with classes scheduled for 45 minutes daily.  Skills are sequentially developed from sixth through eighth grade but can easily be rearranged to fit the needs of the teacher, students, program, and school.



The book also includes a guide to the organization of play production:  forms for tryouts, publicity, rehearsal, invitations, performances, and post production.

"After teaching for so many years, I realize many of my ideas have coalesced from hundreds of sources.  I have tediously searched the origin and given credit, to the best of my knowledge, for any material I did not create.  A thank you is given to the publishers, authors, and teachers who so unselfishly contributed their work, time and expertise, in helping me develop this book." 

-Marjorie Mitchell



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About the Book

Drama Curriculum for Middle School provides an inclusive Drama curriculum for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade.  Units have been developed to meet the goals, objectives, and skills for each grade.  Activities flow sequentially from one year to the next.  However, the book's format easily allows teachers to utilize units separately to meet their own objectives and the needs of their students.  Units have been carefully incorporated to meet National Standards in the FineArts/Drama.

Sequential Developmental Program written by Marjorie L. Mitchell

  • Meets National Standards

  • Three-Ring Binder Format (430 pages)

  • Duplicate-Ready

  • Worksheets, Transparencies, and Assessments

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